The Example of Simple Conversation

Conversation about Offering a Promise
Handy  : Good morning, Eka.
Eka      : Good Morning, Handy.
Handy : What are you doing? Do you have any money in your wallet?
Eka      : I do nothing. Of course I have, will you borrow my money?
Handy  : Borrow your money? Not at all….
Eka      : So, you don’t want to borrow my money?
Handy  : But, if you force me its okay if you want to borrow your money, I just want to borrow … Rp 5000, 00.
Eka      : Okay, here is the money. But promise me if you will return my money back.
Handy  : You have my word on it.

Eka Asmara Juhan Putra
Handy Razie Dharmawan

Conversation about Expressing Wonder
A      : What are you doing, B?
B      :  I do nothing.
A      : What are you looking so serious about?
B      : I just want to be alone.
A      : You can tell to your best friend, right?
B      : I have bad mark in 3 tests; there are Indonesian, Japanese, and Javanese language tests.
A      : You just have to tell us, we can study together after school.
B      : But, I was wondering my parents’ feeling if they know about it. Maybe I don’t have any courageous anymore to face them.
A      : If only become your parents, I won’t get anger, I will say don’t be so serious because you have friend around you.
B      : Thanks. You are truly my best friend.

Azhar Aufaa (06)
Handy Razie Dharmawan (14)

by Nawamrahdeizar and friends 


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