The Example of Speech Text about Education

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
The honorable the judge in this competition
The honorable ladies and gentlemen
And my beloved friends

First we have to give thanks to Allah who has gave us health and mercy, so we can attend this competition.
Ladies and gentlemen,
As we know, in global era, Indonesian education has made some improvements. We can see them in many sector, example facilities and curriculum. Education is learning and teaching process, process that give us knowledge to know the unknown. Learning and teaching not only in school, but we also can do it in our family, our religion teachers, our friends, and learning from the past.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Indonesian education has made some improvements, even Indonesian government has made “Wajar 9 tahun” and “SMP Terbuka” programs. Wajar 9 tahun is Indonesian government program that give us chance to study for 9 years, from elementary school for six years and from junior high school for 3 years. And SMP Terbuka is Indonesian government program that give us chance to study in Junior high school for free without charge. SMP Terbuka students are not lucky enough to study in RSBI school like us. Although they are given inadequate facilities and fewer time to study in school, but they spirit to study can’t be underestimate, because they know that education can change their destiny and fate to make them better.
Ladies and gentlemen,
They have their own dream, so they do anything for education. So from this point forward, we have to keep our spirit to learn more and say “Alhamdulillah” because we lucky enough to study in this RSBI school.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I apologize if I have any mistakes and thank you for your attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


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